Being Green Discovery Map Food & Wine Shopping Travel
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Favorite Online Shopping Recommendations 2020

Keeping It Simple with The Earthling Co.
I’ve been seeing photos on Facebook of people with their Christmas trees up, presents wrapped and sent, cookies baked, cards written and all kinds of other folderol completed. Now they just seem to be sitting around waiting for the full-on merriment of the holiday season to begin.
Well, I’m not one of those persons. I still have pumpkins and gourds in my house and only a few festive preparations accomplished. But I typically do don my interior with lots of red and green and then I leave it up until the end of winter! (It’s an alpine thing.) When it comes to shopping, I somehow seem to pull that off, too. Thankfully there’s not a whole lot of gift giving going on between my family and friends and overall, I try to keep it simple. I have ordered some things online (one for you, one for me) and have another order sprint lined up for today and tomorrow. So if you have some shopping to button up, throw it into gear so that you can send your purchase via standard shipping. Otherwise, you’ll have to opt for priority mail (which is how I typically send my own packages in any event).
Since the pandemic, we’ve all been doing a lot of online shopping. Like so many, I’m taking advantage of the one-click shopping on Amazon more so than ever. But oh, the emails they send out! (No, I don’t feel like reviewing those Home Techpro Rug Grippers that I have not yet found the time to adhere to my throw rugs. I’m sure there’s a way of turning off all of those notifications but I haven’t found it yet.) And then there’s Duluth Trading Post, Pendleton, One Kings Lane and an endless stream of online store emails that clog my inbox whether I’ve made a purchase from them or not. It all has become a necessary evil though.

Tesalate Towels
I’d like to highlight, however, a few quaint online boutiques that I’ve ordered from these past months, unique emporiums that offer terrific gift ideas for you and those on your list. (They’re small-ish, which means they don’t send out as many mailings as the biggies.) For brightly-colored beach towels that are great for any kind of outdoor or indoor fun, go to Tesalate. With a sea of patterns, a sand-proof material, and the possibility of buying one sized for two, the beach towels from this Aussie company will brighten every day as well as every situation for you.
If you love the earth and want to try harder to protect it, order your soaps, shampoos, conditioners, moisturizers and the like from The Earthling Co. I was saddened to learn that due to COVID-19, there’s been a dip in recycling. Ugh, just think of all of those plastic bottles, caps and bags washing up on our shores or just collecting in our lakes, oceans and in the bellies of marine life and birds. I finally made the plunge to switch to bars for most of my toiletry and kitchen products and was delighted to discover that they work quite well. Plus, they keep my conscience clean. Give them a try!

My Ruggable Rug Brightens Up My Kitchen Almost as Much as My Kitties
Many of us have been focusing on beautifying our homes and gardens these past months. I’ve brightened up my home with some rugs from Ruggable. I love their cheery designs and best of all they are super easy to clean. That’s a big must for people like me that have lots of pet traffic. (See if you can find three cats in the above photo of my kitchen.)

Ruth’s Toffee

Ooo la la: A French Lady’s Dream from Henri’s Reserve

The Real Deal from Alpen Schatz
Last but certainly not least, I encourage you to click through to my Online Shopping page where I feature some of my favorite boutiques. This is online shopping par excellence, or in other words, for those that like the charm factor. If you type in the coupon code, Bonjour, you receive a 10% discount. From delicious homemade candies by Ruth’s Toffees to the best-ever handcrafted toys for cats and dogs by Purrfect Play to champagnes from top boutique vineyards curated by Henri’s Reserve and more, you won’t be disappointed by ordering from these unique purveyors. Many also offer e-Cards, which is also a great way to shop online. Keep in mind, too, that gifts don’t have to arrive by Christmas Day; the Christmas season all the way through the new year is most welcome for most, especially since shipping is so clogged up these days. Champagne for the New Year? Pourquoi pas?
Alpen Schatz remains one of my perennial favorites for all kinds of finely-crafted gifts, including home décor items, clothing, fashion accessories, pet collars and more from Europe. Alpen Schatz means alpine treasures and shopping in this treasure trove of a boutique will give you that festive touch all year long. Great news: There is now a UK-based site for all those that want to order across the pond. Be sure to type in the Bonjour coupon code.

Map of Florence by John Petach
For a travel-oriented piece of art, see my write up on John Petach, also at my Online Shopping page. Now that we’re not traveling as much, offering art fashioned from a map of a beloved destination seems more appropriate than ever. Scroll down on my Online Shopping page to learn more about John’s work and be sure to type in (or mention) Bonjour for the added 10% discount.
For more travel-inspired online boutiques, check out my Discovery Map story, Navigating Online Map Gifts.
And once you’ve completed your shopping, you might want to kick back with a hot chocolate or wine and read more travel-inspired stories from some of my Map Geek posts for Discovery Map. My last two are particularly holiday oriented.
Whatever you do, don’t stress. It’s not worth it. Famous last words–I’m just looking forward to putting up a few decorations and tossing my pumpkins out into the garden for any critters that can make use of them.
Happy shopping!

Purrfect Play Paradise
Being Green Telluride Telluride Festivals: Being Green Chasing Coral Mountainfilm Paris Climate Agreement Telluride Telluride Festivals Truth to Power
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Climate Change and Mountainfilm

A Shepard Fairey Mural in Telluride that Embodies the Spirit of Mountainfilm, Our Mountain Town and So Much Else
Breathe in. Hold. Breathe out.
Breathe in. Hold. Breathe out.
Breathe in. Hold. Breathe out.
Repeat this exercise slowly, focusing solely on the breath for twenty minutes. Either that or grab yourself a bottle of tequila.
I’ve been doing this a lot lately–the former, although I am known to enjoy a good margarita, sometimes two in times of stress. I had to quadruple my relaxation efforts this afternoon as I watched President Trump brazenly declare that he was leaving the Paris Climate Agreements. Wow, fortunately we had some heads up from “leaked news.” It really felt like he was the one leaving this international accord for reducing carbon emissions. It didn’t feel like it was my country, the United States of America. I’m not big on stats but I believe I saw yesterday that almost seventy percent of the American people believe in climate change and the importance of the Paris Agreements. Plus, there’s more to be gained economically in moving forward with the times than being plunged back into the Dark Ages, or at least the Industrial Age. (There’s no such thing as clean coal.)

Telluride, Colorado: Mother Earth at Its Finest
Jeez, I’m feeling pretty embarrassed, too. My deepest apologizes to my European friends, particularly my Paris friends. To say “I’m choosing Pittsburgh over Paris” is so small. I can’t believe a president of the United States actually said that. It’s not about pitting one city against another or poking one of the most revered world capitals with a demeaning remark. I promise you, this does not reflect the views of most Americans. (Even the mayor of Pittsburgh seemed appalled by this statement in a tweet he sent out shortly after Trump’s speech.)
Breathe. We are bigger than the views of Donald Trump. I apologize to anyone that’s one of his staunch supporters. I just encourage you to look at the science and the facts. He’s obviously a climate change denier (even if it’s just one of sorts), because our planet can’t afford to lose any more time. We can’t delay anymore. The clock is running out. Why renegotiate agreements that require a voluntary participation at best? We need to be the world’s leader in caring for the environment; we need a far greater show of diplomacy. It’s time to stop pushing people and countries around, both figuratively and literally.

A Scene of the Healthy Part of the Great Barrier Reef from the film Chasing Coral

Coral: Where the Little Fish Live

Coral Glory
Do you know that 22% of the Great Barrier Reef died off in 2016? Yes, it’s true. And science proves that this is due to the rise in the temperature of our oceans. From Australia to Hawaii and many waters in between and beyond, it’s happening all over the world. Our oceans are warming up faster than our air. You might wonder why is coral so important? Sure, it’s incredibly beautiful but more importantly, it creates the perfect habitat for small fish and other marine creatures to live. If the coral dies, so do the small fish, then the big fish that feed on them, then it’s the death of a whole ecosystem. Economically, the fishing industry would be kaput! And that will happen within the next thirty years if our oceans continue to warm at the same rate as they have these past few decades.
Next it will be our forests.
I’m not a scientist, but if you know me or have read some of my stories in my blog, you know I’m a passionate person. I’ve been passionate about the environment before recycling ever came into fashion. I think I first started tossing bottles and cans in proper receptacles in the mid eighties when I was living in France. Since then, I’m practically OCD about recycling and living green, which is what you have to do to reduce, reuse and recycle. I haven’t bought a box of Ziploc bags in over fifteen years. Instead, I rinse and reuse ones that appear in my life, treating each one practically like treasured heirlooms. (Yes, I am a little nutty.)

The Scene Last Weekend at Mountainfilm Telluride

A Mountainfilm Presentation at the Historic Sheridan Opera House
But this is what it takes, in addition to signing petitions, sharing information with others and advocating for the environment at every chance. Fortunately I’ve been able to glean a good amount of information and form my values from Mountainfilm, a wonderful festival of films, artwork, presentations, books and ideas that takes place every Memorial Day weekend here in Telluride, Colorado. I so encourage you to attend some day. You can also check out Mountainfilm on Tour to see when or if they might be coming to your town.
Being Green Food & Wine French Life Travel: Bag It French coffee hotel coffee Keurig single-use coffee makers
by maribeth
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Keurig and Company Kill My Coffee, Tea and Me

Housekeeping Trying to Get My Keurig to Work on a Recent Hotel Stay
I’m practically on the eve of departing for a big trip to France and I’m excited about many things: the flakey croissants that taste far superior to most sold in the U.S., the fabulous runny unpasteurized cheeses you can’t find stateside (unless smuggled in), slightly chilled red wines such as a good Fleury, rich French stews such as a daube Provençal or a boeuf aux carottes, a savory couscous, the perfect omelet–well, you get the picture. As much as I love France for its beauty and the French for their joie de vivre, I guess I am most looking forward to their food and drink.
Coffee and tea rank tops on that list, too. I’m more of a tea drinker and the French do tea–in my humble opinion–as well as the English. By mid-morning I love a good coffee, whether it’s a creamy café au lait or an espresso ladened with lots of sugar. Yes, the French do it right at home, in restaurants, cafés and hotels. It has been a while since I was in France but last time I checked, they still hadn’t adapted the American tradition of having a coffee pot in hotel rooms. Mais non, their approach was always far more civilized and if you wanted a coffee or tea–even in small, modest hotels–they’d bring it to you. And it would be delicious, served on a little tray accompanied with cold or hot milk and often un petit pot of hot water.
For breakfast, they always gladly delivered your hot beverages to your room–with or without a basket of pâtisseries, something that is tout à fait normale, or common practice. Having breakfast in bed always has been more the norm in France than not. I’m praying that this tradition has been upheld.
If I enter a hotel room–not to mention more than one or two–and find those stupid personal coffee makers à la Keurig, I think I’ll have a fit. Who ever was so stupid to invent those devices? I had a huge experience with them on a ten-day trip this summer where they were proudly displayed at every coffee station inside and out of the rooms. I can’t tell you the aggravation I had getting them to work properly–they didn’t half the time. And if they worked, often the coffee was cold. I had a few excellent cups of coffee and tea from them but none was worth the aggravation. I even had to call housekeeping a couple of times to help out and they ended up scratching their heads.
Being Green Colorado Outdoor Adventures Podcasts Telluride Telluride Festivals Travel: Being Green Colorado Outdoor Adventures Podcasts Telluride Telluride Festivals Travel
by maribeth
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Mountainfilm, The Last Ocean and Travel to Antarctica
I’m grateful to live in Telluride, Colorado, a town that’s both environmentally aware and full of social consciousness. We’re far from perfect, although as I travel to other parts of the world, I realize how down-to-earth and forward-thinking most of us Telluriders are and how that effects the way in which we live. From our desire to embrace the outdoors on a daily basis to championing a cause such as eliminating the use of plastic bags, most of us live more tuned in to our little slice of paradise—as well as the rest of the world—each and every day.
Mountainfilm, an important Telluride festival founded thirty-five years ago, is perhaps part of the reason for this awareness. Or, maybe it’s the reverse in that Mountainfilm is able to flourish in Telluride, a community that greatly values the outdoors and being a steward of your surroundings. Regardless, Mountainfilm and Telluride go hand-in-hand and whether here in T-ride or on the road, Mountainfilm is dedicated to educating and inspiring audiences about issues that matter both in Telluride, Colorado and all over the planet.
There’s so much to glean from Mountainfilm that it’s hard to zero in on one particular film, talk or art exhibit. I typically do, however, and this year “The Last Ocean,” a documentary about the last most pristine body of water on earth, touched me the most. From the opening scene of a penguin scampering across the blinding-white ice to glorious views of whales, seals and other remarkable creatures frolicking in crystal-clear water, I dove into this film with great enthusiasm. As the film played on, I became increasingly heartbroken about how man is impacting this seemingly unspoiled sea, known as the Ross Sea, located in the Southern Ocean. I learned that although Antarctica, the land mass that borders the Ross Sea, is protected by international accords, the water surrounding it is not. Sadly, commercial fishing has made its mark in recent years, so much so, in fact, that this remarkable marine ecosystem is now in peril.
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Being Green Colorado Mountain Living Outdoor Adventures Telluride Telluride Festivals Travel: Being Green Colorado Mountain Living Outdoor Adventures Telluride Telluride Festivals Travel
by maribeth
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Right to Play, Learn and Inspire at Mountainfilm in Telluride
Here it is Friday afternoon and plus it’s almost summer. Many people in the United States are gearing up for the weekend, starting it full-on actually. This is the time when most of us exercise our God-given right to play. Recreation, sport, play—have you ever contemplated how important this is in our lives? Most of us first learned to play when we were little kids. Play teaches us so much—how to get along, how to compete, how to follow rules and more. It’s not just about fun although fun is a key component to any game.
So imagine being a child in a war-torn country where play of any kind is nonexistent. Frank Marshall, part-time Telluride resident, renowned Hollywood producer and director of the ESPN movie “Right to Play,” talked about his film and the necessity of play last weekend at a coffee talk at Mountainfilm Festival here in T-ride. Mr. Marshall told the story about how one kid in a far flung, ruined country became popular because he had a long sleeve shirt that could be rolled up into a ball and used for play. Contemplate that when you’re out on your boat this weekend.
Thank goodness there are heros like Johann Olav Koss, an Olympic speed-skating champion from Norway that used his drive and influence to create the global organization Right to Play. Now over 700,000 children in about two dozen countries are benefiting from the joy and discovery of play made possible by Johann Koss, a score of other Olympic athletes and teams of workers from around the world. Frank Marshall captures the indomitable spirit of this Olympic champion and the hope and love he brings to the children touched by Right to Play. Best of all: You can watch the forty-two minute “Right to Play” film tomorrow afternoon, Saturday June 2nd, on ABC. Check your local listings for the correct time in your zone. It’s such a wonderful film that I’d guess it will be played again on other outlets at other times. more »
Being Green Fashion & Style Food & Wine Shopping: Being Green Fashion & Style Food & Wine Shopping
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More Online Shopping Recommendations
The heck with ordering from Amazon or Lands’ End, why not be more original and shop from a quaint online boutique? I’m thrilled to see that mom-and-pop Internet businesses continue to open daily, so let’s patronize them as much as possible. These little shops and shopping offers—whether online or on your street corner—make up the soul of America.
For pampered pups, order some freshly-baked dog treats from My Dog’s Bakery, a business recently located to Ridgway, Colorado. I can’t say they’re delicious, however, they are yummy-looking and surely lovingly made.
Being Green Colorado Food & Wine Podcasts The Rockies: Being Green Colorado Food & Wine Podcasts The Rockies
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Seasonal and Savory: A Delightful Blog Chockfull of Recipes for All Seasons
I began following Angela Cooks on Facebook a couple of months ago and found myself constantly clicking through her FB links to posts on her Seasonal and Savory blog. I haven’t made a single recipe but I have enjoyed many heartwarming culinary moments through her sharing.
I came to discover that Angela Cooks is actually Angela Buchanan, a professor at CU Boulder where she teaches rhetoric. I didn’t even know that was a course. “It’s a Communications Class,” Angela explains to me in the below Travel Fun interview. And yes, there is a connection with food, this enthusiastic cook’s passion both in and out of the classroom. In the first part of our chat, she talks about a Food & Culture class that she teaches in which students must do a food memoir. Tune in to hear what she says. Aren’t some of our best memories, especially travel-related ones, associated with the memory of certain foods?
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Being Green Podcasts Travel: Being Green Podcasts Travel
by maribeth
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Wallace “J.” Nichols: Marine Biologist Extraordinaire
If you love our world, click on the play button below and listen to my interview with Dr. Wallace “J.” Nichols, one of the world’s biggest defenders of the big blue. Inspired by Jacques Cousteau at an early age, J. is an effective communicator about what’s going on with our planet from an ocean perspective.
“Our ocean is in trouble,” J. tells me in this Travel Fun interview. “We’re putting too much into it, taking too much out of it and destroying the edge,” he continues. Tune in to learn about his three calls to action.
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