I’m Thinking of You

A Good Sign: Heart-Shaped Tea Stain on My Kitty Dish

I’ve never been so consumed with thinking about people. I’m not dwelling or ruminating or obsessing about others. I’m visiting with folks. I’m spending time with my closest loved ones as much as I’m guarding the safety of those tight-knit families living in their one-room hovels in the slums of Islamabad. I’m hanging with my boyfriend who’s been working 12-hour days to keep the hotel he manages afloat and I’m rushing through the halls of a busy ICU with over-worked medical professionals. I’m sitting with the families that are grieving the loss of their loved ones while maintaining social distancing and I’m riding with that trucker who’s bravely making his way across the country to deliver goods without even being able to sit down at a truck stop to enjoy a good meal. I’m in the kitchen with that family that’s trying to figure out a new way of living, juggling working remotely with homeschooling and this new concentrated version of togetherness. I’m looking over the shoulder of that grocery store clerk who’s stocking shelves for a small wage so that we can continue to fill our refrigerators and pantries. I’m with that person fighting for his or her life on a respirator in the hospital. Indeed, it feels like I’m everywhere these days–at least in my thoughts.

My Partner Delivering the Goods Beneath the Cover of Darkness

Yet, I am all alone–at least from a physical standpoint. I was very sick for quite a while with presumably some kind of a Telluride crud that I picked up on the mountain while teaching skiing the first week of spring break. (I had a COVID-19 swab test, self isolated for over two weeks and then found out it was negative. It took ten days for the results to come back but even if I had found out that I was coronavirus free sooner, it was best not to be out spreading germs.) During this time, I saw a couple of friends who came by to drop off provisions for me, safely separated by the glass door of my foyer. My guy came by with care packages as well but as hard as it was, we maintained a good ten feet between us, knowing that had there been any less distance we would have been more tempted to fall into each other’s arms. And then once I received my test report, I was thrilled to carefully venture out to the store, the pharmacy and a couple of other necessary places on my list. (Thankfully liquor stores are considered essential businesses here in Colorado.) 

Driving Up for My COVID-19 Test

Like many people throughout the rest of the world, I’ve been doing this for over a month. I’m not at all bored though. I have my reading and writing, cooking, cleaning and house projects, lots of radio programming (I don’t have a TV) and now that I’m better, I enjoy doing an occasional walk in the countryside surrounding my house. Plus, I have all of you. Really. I’ve never felt so connected to the rest of the world in all my life. All kinds of people, including old college friends, old boyfriends, my ex husband, friends in France, and so many more from the cast of characters that have played a role in the movie that is my life have filled my thoughts and dreams. Prince Charles even appeared in one of my nighttime productions last week! We were eating potato chips together sans gin and tonic unfortunately. I sleep as deeply as a Rocky Mountain bear during the month of January and wake up exhausted, perhaps because of all the visiting I do during the night. In pondering the symbolism behind these dreams, I’ve come to the conclusion that the night is just a continuation of how my brain has been functioning throughout my waking hours:  thousands of loved ones and total strangers pop into my head over the course of the day and with each flash, I’m wondering consciously or unconsciously how they are doing. Best of all, I feel myself sending them strength and love.

Saying Hello to Cows on My Walk is Good Therapy

The expression “my thoughts and prayers are with you” has gotten a bad rap. Honestly. I believe in the power of thoughts and prayers more so than ever. And I feel like I’m working overtime these days to stay emotionally connected with everyone in this world, particularly those in need. We have all discovered the meaning of “we are one” throughout this worldwide pandemic. I feel for the people of Italy as their death toll reaches inconceivable numbers. I’m experiencing the horror and sadness that New Yorkers feel upon seeing the refrigerated trucks line up outside their hospitals for the storage of the dead. I’m fluffing up the pillow for that medic sleeping in his car. I’m feeling the excitement of that oh-so creative person that has turned her 3-D printer into a face mask-making machine. 

Everyday I find myself having a good cry. I’m not at all depressed. I’m just full of empathy and compassion and although it can be tiresome, shedding tears is a wonderful release both physically, emotionally and mentally.

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Taking a Break from Skiing at the Madeline Spa

The Glorious Pool at the Madeline

Boy, what a season it has been here in Telluride, Colorado! I’m sure you’ve heard of the record-breaking snowfalls we’ve had. The skiing and riding have been extraordinary. But with all the joy that came with so many powder days, the massive accumulations of snow also created a lot of hassles and unfortunately many sorrows. Daily drives to and from work in slick, whiteout conditions were numerous. (One day after the marshal helped me dig out my car, I careened into a snowbank down the road. Thankfully there’s always a capable mountain man with a big rig in these parts that shows up happy to help out at just the right moment.) 

It was so cold and snowy that the Telluride School District closed twice, something that rarely happens even once a year in this rugged mountain town. And yes, the avalanches were plentiful. Their force barreled down in parts that hadn’t slid in years, leaving all kinds of destruction in their paths, creating road closures, evacuations of homes and businesses and sadly in Telluride, two deaths of locals. In a small community such as ours, you’re up close and personal to such events and each happening packs a wallop, a harsh reminder of the force of nature and the immortality of us all.

Indeed, it was a winter that most of us here in the West weathered with grit.

For me, it was additionally challenging because I had a body part that crapped out on me. That seems to happen to a lot of us ski instructors. So when I finally learned that the pain I was enduring was due to a worn out hip–bone-on-bone–no less–I heard firsthand from a seemingly endless stream of instructors, patrollers and just general mountain people about their tales of “replaced parts.” Yes, I’m in need of a hip replacement, something I’ll do this off season in order to be in shape for next ski season. Fortunately I have a surplus of friends and acquaintances that have assured me that “it’s no big deal.” Such is life in a mountain town.

A cortisone shot, Celebrex, CBD salve and a little extra wine have helped me through. But I have to say that it’s been tough keeping up with the physical therapy and soaks that I promised myself I’d make a part of my regular regime. Life has a way of getting away from you, especially during a banner ski year!

I did, however, have the luxury of experiencing The Spa at Madeline Hotel & Residences, an Auberge Resort, here in Telluride. And I swear that the half day spent there was like the equivalent of several PT sessions and Epsom Salts baths combined. It was so healing and restorative!

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Keeping that Holiday Spirit Going

Still Festive at The Peaks Resort

Gondola Cuteness

Frosty Cold Telluride

I say pooh to the people that throw out their Christmas tree by New Year’s. I keep most of my decorations up throughout January. I put away the santas, elves and baby Jesus by mid January but most–including Christmas ornaments and stockings–remain up through the end of the month. And as for anything festive in red and green, I typically keep that up until the end of the ski season–or just before Easter depending on what comes first. That’s what they do in the Alps. That’s what they do in many mountain locales, Telluride included. Hey, when you have a snowy scene outside, twinkling lights and garlands add extra sparkle to many winter wonderland settings.

And boy have we had snow! After a stellar holiday season with primo ski conditions, the cold and the snow have just kept on coming. With over fifteen feet of the fluffy white stuff so far this year, the skiing in Telluride–in all of Colorado, in fact–has been fantastic. To say we have been well served by the snow gods, is an understatement. 

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Telluride is Tops

Applauding Our Ski School Training, Clapping for Telluride

Ski School Trainer John Balmain

Iconic Mt. Wilson

Well, we did it again. For the sixth time out of seven years, the readers of Condé Nast Traveler voted Telluride as the #1 ski resort in North America. Since Telluride has been lauded so much, this year Condé Nast Traveler even wrote a story about it at Why Telluride Keeps Being Named the Best Ski Town in the U.S. 

A Great Day for Skiing

John and Me

For those that live here or have visited here, it comes as no surprise. Telluride Ski Resort has it all: great terrain, spectacular scenery, charm, friendliness, topnotch amenities, an historic town at one base and a modern village at another, a wonderful mix of sun and snow and I must shamelessly broadcast, one of the best ski schools in the country. (I’m starting my sixteenth season as a Telluride Ski & Snowboard School instructor and I’m delighted to be a part of this distinguished group of snowsports enthusiasts.)

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Discovery Map Is Coming to Telluride

Me with Peter Hans and Laura Potter from Discovery Map

I love being a travel writer and sometimes I really love being a travel writer. As much as I like to write, the sitting on my butt part (whether in a desk chair or on my couch) can be rough. (Yes, I do stand sometimes but I don’t have a stand up desk per se.) 

So often the travel writing part I like the most is the research phase. That aspect of my job is even better when it involves lots of good connecting with people, great skiing and memorable food. Such was the case this winter when Discovery Map International came to Telluride to carry out an important phase of their map-making process. Yes, they came to Telluride because as of next fall, there will be a Telluride Discovery Map added to their community of over 150 maps within the United States and beyond.

Loving Raclette with Laura and My Boyfriend Steve

I’m happy to be involved in writing web content for this dynamic company. Read Fun Times in Map Making, a Map Geek story I wrote for them, to find out more of the back story that goes into the Discovery Map process and most especially how it all went down in Telluride.

Brian Lewis of Discovery Map Telluride

So Much Heart

David, Joanna, Dennis and Me at UC Health Denver in Early March

One of the best parts about being sick is seeing how much it brings people together. Amid all the pain and suffering, there is so much love. And, of course, love promotes healing.

I have been living this since early January when my brother, David, was diagnosed with Stage 4 laryngeal cancer. (I’ll post more on this at a later date.)

This story, however, is mostly about my friend and fellow ski instructor, Dennis Huis. Dennis is the lucky recipient of a new heart and although he has a long way to go in terms of healing, he’s already doing so much better.

I saw Dennis, one of Telluride Ski Resort’s top instructors, in December and I could tell right away he was not well. Next thing I knew I learned that he was in Denver awaiting a heart transplant! Wow–you can bet that created a lot of buzz in the locker room. I found out about this about the same time that I began to help my brother sort out his diagnosis and treatment.

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It’s Time for Spring Skiing in Telluride

Beautiful Telluride, Colorado

OK, in truth we already had a ton of spring-like skiing in Telluride throughout the holidays and into the new year. (Read A Crazy Happy Holiday Season in Aspen, Telluride and Redstone.) What we lacked in snow, we more than made up for in sunshine and warm weather. (And boy does that make most of the visitors happy.)


Looking Out on Top of Lookout

Adults Having Fun

And then came winter! The storms rolled in with the consistency of a heartsick lover pining over his one true love in February until all became dreamy and white. And then suddenly all was well with the world and the mountain. By mid-February, Telluride Ski Resort snowmaking finally put away their equipment and let Mother Nature take over full-time. They did a stupendous job this year, something that became even more apparent to me when I skied some scratchy and sketchy trails at other resorts. “We wouldn’t open a run until it was really good,” says Brandon Green, head of snowmaking in Telluride. And indeed, the skiing and riding on the manmade and the natural snow have been very good. Yes, despite many people’s fears, the season shaped up nicely.

Kids Having Fun

And now the great spring break week is upon us. Known as “the Texas week,” it’s one of the busiest weeks on the mountain. (But don’t worry, Telluride never becomes that busy.) Then we have three weeks after that until closing on Sunday, April 8th, three weeks that are among the most fun on the mountain due to all the end-of-season partying.

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A Crazy Happy Holiday Season in Aspen, Telluride and Redstone

Hitting the Fresh Pow in Telluride

Fresh Powder Turns Today in Aspen

Yay, I knew that if I were to write this story, the snows would come! Telluride received 9 inches of fresh overnight, 11 inches the past 24 hours and 15 inches the last 48. And boy, was it needed. Aspen is enjoying a good blanketing as well. In addition to the fresh snow, let’s hope this signals a significant breaking down of the high pressure system that has been sitting over Colorado (and Utah, Arizona and New Mexico actually) for the past two months!

Yet despite the paltry snow conditions, the resorts have managed to crank out a good product.

The Top of Buttermilk this Week

Teaching Snowboarding at Buttermilk

I’m back in Aspen dealing with some family matters. I arrived here Thursday night, just a month after I flew in here from a very extended stay on the east coast. Wow, what a month it has been!

Happy Clients in Telluride at Christmas

Perfect Outside Dining Weather in Colorado this Winter

After an initial few days in Aspen in December, I threw myself into the busy-ness of gearing up for ski season; this entailed rounding up my ski clothing and gear, stocking the house with an almost winter’s-worth of provisions and working my ski legs back into shape by doing my Telluride Ski & Snowboard School training.

Ski School Training in Telluride

Piles of Provisions

A nasty cold almost thwarted the start to my ski instructing schedule but thanks to mega doses of Vitamin C, fluids and fresh, chopped garlic (yes, I even had two cloves for breakfast, lunch and dinner a couple of days–followed by a chaser of Listerine of course) I was able to knock it out of my system pretty fast. I pulled it together–training, shopping, cooking and even a little decorating–to embark upon a super busy holiday season that required me to teach skiing ten days in a row.

Winter Light Show in Telluride

Phew! We always go from to zero to 150mph in no time flat. But that’s life in a resort town, especially one that typically has its busiest week of the year between Christmas and New Year’s.

Torchlight Parade: A Telluride Tradition

Happy New Year to All

By now, you must be wondering when I’m going to mention the elephant in the room–the fact that we’ve all been going about business as usual without much help from Mother Nature. Yes, indeed, it has been shocking how little natural snow we’ve had. Up through the end of last week, the snow totals for the season in Aspen and Telluride rang in at barely 20 inches. Yikes!

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