Discovery Map Outdoor Adventures Restaurants The Northeast Travel: Block Island Discovery Map Narragansett Newport Outdoor Adventures Providence Restaurants Rhode Island The Northeast top reasons to go
by maribeth
Top Reasons to Go to Newport, Narragansett, Block Island and Providence, Rhode Island
Seaside Summer Dinner
Beautiful Block Island
Historic Block Island Southeast Light
Fishing in Narragansett Bay
The Breakers in Newport
Yay, it’s summer! It’s almost the Fourth of July and that means barbecues, lobster dinners, boating and toes in the sand for many. With the sweltering heat wave seizing most of the East Coast this weekend, the beaches will be packed. You might just as well pick the best ones around. In writing for Discovery Map, I discovered that the little New England state of Rhode Island boasts some of the most beautiful beaches within the United States. It’s no wonder the wealthy industrialists of the nineteenth century chose to build their summer homes, or rather mansions, here!
Not surprisingly, Newport, Narragansett and Block Island are incredibly scenic and in addition to their natural beauty, all three of these destinations will woo you with their proliferation of fine food and drink establishments, history and Old World charm. I’ve summed up the highlights in my write ups entitled Dine and Drink Your Way Through Newport, Historic Newport, Outdoor Life in Gansett, Instagram-able Narragansett, Outdoor Fun on Block Island and Instagram-able Block Island. Check them out and let them point you in the direction of a fun summertime getaway to the Northeast.
You might just want to plan a vacation to all three and loop in Providence, Rhode Island as well. As I write in Providence Eats, this beloved city offers a vibrant food scene, one largely dominated by Italian cuisine–delizioso! There’s also a lot to do in this historic town as I’ve documented in The Almost Complete Guide to Providence.
Have fun exploring Rhode Island, even if it’s just through my written word.
Happy Fourth of July! Happy summer!
Thank you to Discovery Map, Amy Newman and Margie Hans for some of the above photos.