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by maribeth
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Top Reasons to Go to Cape May and Rehoboth

Cape May

It’s Friday afternoon and unless you’re in the path of Hurricane Florence, it feels like it’s time to hit the beach here on the east coast. I’m still in upstate New York typing in a tank top, barefooted and breathing easy outside on my Mom’s patio perched on a lounger. Yessirree, I plan on milking this sweet summer feeling until the snow flies.

Paddling Out for Fun in Cape May
And if I wasn’t so tied up with what life is currently throwing my way right now, I’d be planning a trip to the beach. Indeed, I feel that September is one of the best times to hit a beach destination, even if it isn’t way down south. The weather is typically beautiful (currently 80ish) and the crowds have gone home. The water still warms the body and soul, especially if you’re visiting destinations farther south such as Cape May, New Jersey or Rehoboth, Delaware.